Thursday, 13 March 2025, 08:30 p.m. EDT to 10:30 p.m. EDT
Status (as of 13 March 2025, 05:00 p.m. EDT): Although viewing conditions are not ideal, we will be open tonight. Please dress warmly! Please take the elevator or the stairs to Room 330 on the third floor when you arrive.
If you have any questions about the Public Open Nights, please call 732-735-5483 and leave a voice message. Your call will be returned.
For general information, please call 848-445-8973 (08:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.).
November 2024
   first Thursday (November 07th): Vega, Deneb, Albireo,
M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42,
Betelgeuse, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon (waxing crescent)
   second Thursday (November 14th): Vega, Deneb, Albireo,
M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42,
Betelgeuse, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus (near opposition), Jupiter, and the Moon (full)
   third Thursday (November 21st): Vega, Deneb, Albireo,
M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42,
Betelgeuse, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter
   fourth Thursday (November 28th): Thanksgiving Day
(We will
be open.)
December 2024
   second Thursday (December 12th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus-Moon appulse, Jupiter (near opposition), Mars, and the Moon (waxing gibbous)
   third Thursday (December 19th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and the Moon (waning gibbous)
   fourth Thursday (December 26th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars
January 2025
   second Thursday (January 09th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Venus-Saturn appulse, Neptune, Uranus-Moon-Jupiter appulse, Mars, and the Moon (waxing gibbous)
   third Thursday (January 16th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Venus-Saturn appulse, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars (near opposition), and the Moon (waning gibbous)
   fourth Thursday (January 23rd): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Saturn-Venus-Neptune appulse, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars-Pollux appulse
   fifth Thursday (January 30th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Venus-Neptune appulse, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars-Pollux appulse
February 2025
   second Thursday (February 13th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and the Moon (full)
   third Thursday (February 20th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars
   fourth Thursday (February 27th): M31, Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars
March 2025
   second Thursday (March 13th): Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus,
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars-Pollux appulse, and the Moon (full)
   third Thursday (March 20th): Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars-Pollux appulse
   fourth Thursday (March 27th): Almach, NGC 457,
h & χ Persei, η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars-Pollux appulse
April 2025
   second Thursday (April 10th): h & χ Persei,
η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus, M5, M13,
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and the Moon (waxing gibbous)
   third Thursday (April 17th): h & χ Persei,
η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus, M5, M13,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars
   fourth Thursday (April 24th): h & χ Persei,
η Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Arcturus, M5, M13,
Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars